Beat the Heat: Decode the Ways to be Healthy During this Summer!
03-03-2023 12:37
Summer season is knocking on our doors. Are you ready to welcome summer?
This summer season is expected to be warmer than usual in most regions of India. It is commonly observed that when the temperature winging higher and higher every day, our energy level starts dropping. This change in season calls for a change in our daily routine, eating habits, and exercise regimen that must suit the weather.
To have healthy summers, you must ensure some important guidelines and adopt healthy habits.
Ensure Intake of light and healthy food:
One should ensure to eat light, small and frequent meals only. Food with an extra amount of carbohydrates, fat, and oil can make your body relentless and give rise to heat in the body. It is advised to take fresh fruits and vegetables that have high water content such as watermelon, cucumber, oranges, tomatoes, etc.
Protect Your Eyes from Direct Sunlight:
Direct and harsh sunlight can harm your eyesight. To protect your vision, you must wear protective glasses. Whenever at work, at play, or outdoors, one should always wear sunglasses or any protective eyewear that can protect sight and block 99% of the ultraviolet rays.
Stay Hydrated:
Heat and sweat can guzzle up all your energy and make your body dehydrated. Dehydration can cause unwanted health outcomes that can make your summers unbearable. To avoid dehydration, drink plenty of water every day. One should drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water to keep yourself hydrated.
Avoid Drinking Alcohol and Caffeine:
Excessive intake of alcohol, fizzy beverages, and caffeine can dehydrate your body quickly. A serving of alcohol contains about 100 calories, and mixed drinks have even more. Avoid drinking these unhealthy drinks and beverages to prevent unintended outcomes. One can substitute these unhealthy drinks with plain or flavored water and seasonal fruit juices.
Avoid Eating Outside Food:
During summers, even after storing food with proper precautions, the chances of food getting spoiled are always higher. Roadside food, most of the time, is deleteriously stored and contaminated. To be protected from a stomach illness and foodborne diseases during summer, you should always avoid eating junk and outside food.
Foods to Eat During Summers
During summers, our body dehydrates at a rapid rate. Intake of fruits and vegetables that are high in water content keeps the body cool and balance the electrolytes that help in remaining hydrated. If you want to enjoy the healthy summer, try to increase your intake of seasonal fruits and vegetables that are rich in minerals & vitamins, have high water content and keeps your body & mind cool.
The following foods are good to be consumed in summers:
Tender Coconut Milk
Sweet Corn
Butter Milk
Roasted Gram Powder (Sattu)
Consuming a balanced diet, following proper skin care, and taking care of your body can help enjoy the summer to the fullest without facing any unintended problems. It is important to note here that the above-mentioned information is for educational purposes only. It should not be taken as a substitute for the medical treatment provided by a healthcare professional. The reader should consult a doctor before making any serious changes in the routine.
Hope you will find this post useful. For more such educational and informative updates, stay connected with Step Up Academy.
Happy Summers!!