How Was the Auspicious Time of Independence Chosen?
16-08-2023 06:53
If we say that the auspicious time to celebrate Independence Day on 15th August was decided by the horoscope, would you believe me??
You may not believe me, but it is absolutely true that the auspicious time to celebrate Independence Day on 15th August was decided according to the horoscope.
In this blog, we will read about those pundits who had predicted the bright development of India after independence and whether their predictions proved to be true or not??
It is a matter of the last reading of 1946, when it was decided that the country would be free from British rule. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was elected as the Prime Minister and Dr. Rajendra Prasad the first President. In August 1947, Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy, was also returning to Britain. On one side there was the happiness of independence and on the other side the country was burning in the fire of partition. India was getting split into two.
In those days, Pt. Suryanarayan Vyas, a revolutionary, writer and astrologer from Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh), was a very good friend of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, who became the first President of India. Dr. Rajendra Prasad called Pandit Suryanarayan Vyas to Delhi through his confidant Goswami Ganesh Dutt Maharaj.
Now the question was put in front of Pandit ji that according to astrological calculations, on which day India should now celebrate the first and historic Independence Day.
India did not have much choice as we had got only two dates from the British, 14 and 15 August, out of which a day was to be chosen for the formation of Pakistan under the leadership of Jinnah and for independence of India.
Pandit Vyas saw the auspicious times from the almanac for independent India. According to the research, Dr. Rajshekhar Vyas, son of Pt. Vyas and former Director General of Doordarshan, said during a conversation that Mohammad Ali Jinnah did not believe in things like Muhurta and he had no faith in all these things. That is why he chose August 14 as a convenient day for Pakistan without any Muhurta. While Pt. Vyas had also warned him that the planetary positions are not good on 14th August. If Pakistan is formed on August 14, it is possible that it will always be unstable, because on that day the Ascendant “Lagna” (which is considered to be the first place in the horoscope) was also unstable, but Jinnah did not agree.
On the advice of Pandit Suryanarayan Vyas, Dr. Rajendra Prasad and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru fixed the time of 12 midnight of 14-15 August for independence of India. The reason was, on that day in the horoscope of India, there was a fixed sign of Taurus. This ascendant is considered stable. Pt. Vyas said that if the country becomes independent in a stable ascendant “lagna”, then both freedom and democracy will remain in India.
Pt. Vyas told Dr. Rajendra Prasad that if we are taking the time of independence at midnight, then the flag should be hoisted at this time. The formal programs of independence may be done in the morning, but the first flag hoisting will take place only at midnight. Pandit Nehru obeyed him and hoisted the flag at the Red Fort in the middle of the night.
Although the tradition of hoisting the tricolor on Independence Day is in the morning, but on August 15, 1947, at 12 o clock in the night, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru hoisted the tricolor at the Red Fort. Although, this could not be recorded anywhere in the pages of history, but this advice was also given by Pt. Vyas.
It was Pt. Suryanarayan Vyas who suggested that the Parliament House should be purified on the night of 15th August. Immediately, the Parliament House was washed and purified.
This Pt. Suryanarayan Vyas of Ujjain always played an active role in the freedom struggle. He was not only a well-known astrologer, but also used to write articles on his knowledge. In 1930, in an article in the magazine "Aaj", he predicted that India would become independent in August 1947. It is surprising that Pt. Suryanarayan Vyas had predicted in 1930 itself that India would be independent in 1947.
Letter written by President Dr. Rajendra Prasad to Pt. Suryanarayan Vyas in 1952, In which he mentioned the prophecy.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad becoming the President was also predicted by Pandit Vyas.
When the term of President Dr. Rajendra Prasad was coming to an end in 1952, another President had to be elected. At the same time, Pt. Vyas had already told Dr. Rajendra Prasad that at present your horoscope is indicating that you will be elected the next President of the country.
This also proved to be true, and Dr. Rajendra Prasad was re-elected as the President.
The talk of the Muhurta of independence of India was once published in Time magazine as well. It is about 1980, when it came to light in America that big politicians also take the help of astrology for their works.
So this was the story of the auspicious time of independence of India!! We hope you would have liked this story related to freedom.