Chandrayaan-3 Mission: Moon Dream of India
12-07-2023 12:19
There was a time when the two superpowers Russia and America were in a race to win the first step on the moon. But on July 20, 1969, America won the race, when NASA astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon and hoisted the American flag there.
Soon, India will also hoist the tricolor on the moon. ISRO prepares for the landing of Chandrayaan 3 on the lunar surface.
Read more to know what is Chandrayaan 3 and how, and when will it be launching?
Chandrayaan 1 was launched on 22 October 2008. For about 1 year, Chandrayaan 1 helped ISRO in research and collecting data, but after one year i.e. in August 2009, the connection of Chandrayaan 1 was broken and the mission ended there.
The main objectives of Chandrayaan 1 were to search for water on the moon, to detect chemical elements like helium and to prepare a high quality map of the moon.
It is a matter of great pride for India that Chandrayaan 1 made this mission successful by fulfilling the key objectives.
September 7, 2019, the day when India was about to create history on the moon, but an untoward incident on the moon, about 3,50,000 kilometers away from the earth, shook the dream of the whole of India. We are talking about Chandrayaan Mission 2. Years of hard work and crores of rupees were spent for this mission. Despite reaching its final stage, we had to face this failure due to a technical glitch in Chandrayaan 2.
But Indian spirit is so strong that in just four years time, India is ready to hoist its flag on the moon once again. Yes, this is the Chandrayaan-3 mission of ISRO, which will soon begin its journey from Earth towards the Moon. Come, now let us know in detail about Chandrayaan-3.
On July 14 at 2.35 pm, Chandrayaan-3 will be launched by LVM3, a launch vehicle of ISRO, from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota.
The cost of Chandrayaan 3 is around Rs 600 crore while the cost of Chandrayaan 2 which partially failed was Rs 978 crore.
We have seen that, despite the defeat of Chandrayaan-2, it has taught us a lot. Keeping this in mind, new technical modifications and improvements have been made in Chandrayaan-3. We have decided to move forward by learning from our mistakes, which will implement the new goals of our Chandrayaan-3 mission. The main objective of the Chandrayaan-3 mission is to make a successful and safe landing on the moon. Along with this, work will be done to advance scientific research and various experiments under this mission.
Chandrayaan-3: Everything You Need To Know
Chandrayaan-3 is the follow-on mission of Chandrayaan-2, which will demonstrate the full capability of safe landing and roving on the lunar surface. This includes the lander and rover configuration. The PROPULSION module will carry the lander and rover configuration to the 100 km lunar orbit. This propulsion module can take spectral and polarimetric measurements of Earth from lunar orbit.
Through the Lander payloads attached to Chandrayaan 3, we will be able to find out the thermal conductivity, temperature, seismicity i.e. the frequency of earthquakes at the landing site.
And its rover payload, the elemental structure around the landing site, which will help to know what chemical compounds are there on the moon and what atoms they are made of.
Chandrayaan-3 comprises an indigenous Lander Module (LM), Propulsion Module (PM) and a Rover, aimed at developing new technologies for interplanetary missions.
The lander of Chandrayaan 3 has the capability to perform a soft landing on a specified lunar site. The lander and rover have scientific payloads to perform experiments on the lunar surface, with the help of which in-situ chemical analysis of the lunar site can be done.
This time Chandrayaan-3 does not have an orbiter but a Propulsion module whose main function is to take the Lander module from launch vehicle injection to the final lunar 100 km circular polar orbit and separate the Lander module from the Propulsion module. This propulsion module will only help in communication between the Earth and the lander, leaving the lander module near the moon.
Apart from this, there is also a scientific payloads in the propulsion module which will be operated after the separation of the lander module.
The mission objectives of Chandrayaan-3 are:
Safe and soft landing on the surface of the Moon
rover walking on the moon
doing chemical experiments on the moon
To meet the objectives of this mission, there are many advanced technologies in the lander and many lander special tests have been done to establish these technologies successfully.
If the Chandrayaan 3 mission is successful, India will become the fourth country after China, Russia, and America to soft land on the moon.