CBSE Exam Dates for Class 10th and 12th Announced: Latest Updates
29-12-2022 17:46
CBSE Timetable for 2023 class 10th and 12th is live at the official website On the official CBSE website, you can now see the detailed board sheet. Starting on February 15, the board will conduct exams for classes 10 and 12.
The CBSE board exams 2023 for class 10 will start on February 15, 2023, and end on March 21, 2023, according to the official notification. The board exams for class 12 will also take place between February 15, 2023, and April 5, 2023. The exam will start at 10:30 am. Most of the exams will be of 3 hours.
The board exams for the current academic year (2022-23) will be held in February 2023, as previously stated. Moreover, the exams will now be given based entirely on the syllabus, as they were done in the pre-pandemic years.
According to the official notification, the Board designed the timetable considering the dates of competitive examinations, such as the JEE Main exam.
The CBSE will provide Class 10 and 12 students 15 minutes to read their question papers. Candidates can visit the CBSE website for further information on this topic.
The practical exam for the CBSE Class 12th will begin on January 2nd, 2023, and end on February 14th, 2023.
How to download the date sheet for CBSE class 10th & 12th?
To download the date sheet of CBSE classes 10th and 12th from the CBSE website:
Step 1: Visit the official website of CBSE at
Step 2: Click on the link available to download the Date Sheet.
Step 3: Save the PDF displays. You can also download this PDF from the link below.
Click here to DOWNLOAD Class 10th & Class 12 Date Sheet
Exam Day Instructions
At least 30 to 45 minutes before the reporting time, students must arrive at the venue.
Students must have their 2023 CBSE Class 10 and 12 admit cards with them. Without a hall ticket, they will not be permitted to enter the exam center.
Students will receive their question paper and answer booklet at the exact time the exam is due to begin. They will have an additional 15 minutes to read the CBSE question papers.
No student shall bring any unfair means while appearing for the exams.
Students must follow the instructions strictly as instructed by the board.
Step Up Academy is a platform where you will find all the necessary & advanced material that will help you excel in the CBSE Board examination 2023. The mentorship of expert faculties at Step Up Academy will definitely help you succeed in your examination.