It is the goal of every teacher to keep the students learning continuously. Teachers make a different path in crisis and do not wait for the systems to change. They themselves become agents of change. There are many teachers in the country who are trying to bring social change through education.



Ranjit Singh


  • Ranjit Singh, age 33, of Paritewadi (परितेवाड़ी) village in Solapur district of Maharashtra, taught tribal girls in the initial days in a dilapidated building built in the middle of the warehouse. 
  • He connected the books with audio, video, stories and assignments. 
  • Received the Global Teacher Award worth Rs 7 crore.


Sapan Kumar



  • Sapan Kumar, a teacher of Jadmundi village in Dumka district of Jharkhand, converted the walls of the village houses into blackboards to teach the children during the Corona period. 
  • Started teaching the children through loudspeakers, due to which social distancing was also followed and studies were not affected.


Ashok Dave

  • Ashok Dave, the principal of a trust-run school in Shankheshwar, Gujarat, discovered a unique way of teaching children without internet facility. 
  • Started cable classes with the help of local cable network operator. 
  • Made teaching videos with the help of local people. 
  • In such a situation, every child remained continuously connected to the school.


SL Faizal



  • Faizal SL joined Kendriya Vidyalaya in Baramulla in 2003 as a librarian. 
  • In 2007, brought the school library on the blog for the first time
  • Established “e-reading hub” to promote e-reading. 
  • Created an audio library in 2020.


Annie Varghese



  • A PT teacher from Vimala College, Thrissur, Kerala trained and gave five female Olympians to India. 
  • Anju Bobby George (2004, 2008), Jincy Philip (2000), Manjima (2000), Bobby (2004), Rosa Kutty (1996) have represented the country.


Virendra Kumar:



  • Virendra Kumar, a teacher in the secondary school in Dharogadra of Shimla district, has improved the handwriting of more than 80 thousand students. 
  • Many teachers are also learning calligraphy from him. 
  • In the lockdown, he started teaching calligraphy to students online. 
  • The state government has also honored him with the Teacher Award for his contribution to education.
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